Friday, February 17, 2012

If someone wrote a book about your life, what would they title it? Write the first chapter.

I would name it my life.

hello my name is Julissa Figueroa. well i have 2 sisters and 3 brothers my favorite color is red and black. i'm 13 years old. My birthday is on April 14. well now i'm gonna tell you my life. well life is wonderful inti'll u meet someone new, intill u meet the rest of the family ur cousins it horriable because u have 2 make sure u don't make ur family mad at u. well enough with my life right now. well i don't know how old was i my dad left me he abused me dislucated one of my arm's and one of my leg's my dad went to jail i don't know were he's at but he came out already. look now.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

What qualities do you look for when choosing your friends?

i look for friendliness and if that person cares look i really don't know what i look for in people but i know that i look for carefullness.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Would you rather have the power to be invisible or the power to read minds? Give a detailed description of your day with one of those powers.

i would be invisible because i would prank a lot of people and bother them ode it would be funny because i will only do the pranks to the people i don't like

Thursday, February 9, 2012

what is your favorite thing that begins with the letter L?

well my favorite thing that begins with the letter L is legion because the definition is cool here is the definition for legion Legion is a Demon that Christ exorcised. The demon said: "My name is Legion; for we are many." This is a reference to the Roman Legions, as there were many soldiers in them. The Demon represents the fact that we all have many problems within us, and that Christ can help us solve them (alternatively it only means that Demons live in people that are super strong and crazy and that Christ alone can remove them).

what song's lyrics best describe your life

well the best song that describes my life is only you can be you i forgot who is it from but i think that the song that describes me more than the other songs i listen 2.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

if u could change one of your parents rules, what rule would u change

i would change curfew to 9 0'clock so i could hang out with my friends longer instead of going home straight.

what is the one way you are most influenced by your peers?

making me laugh because some people don't.

if you could be any type o bug or insect for one day, what would you be?

i will be a spider so i could scare people i would laugh odeee.

what is your favorite thing to talk about when you are with your friends?

well when i'm with my friends e talk about boys and who we do and don't like.