Monday, September 26, 2011

julissa house

Hello my loyal readers! I wanted to show you my house that made out of bricks u have to check out my windows and the wallpaper the trouble i had was to keep the lines straight

Thursday, September 15, 2011

9/11 movie

julissa 9/11 movie
by: techbrarian

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

remembering september 11

3 Facts and fictions
1 fact is:that 2819 people died in 911
the 2nd fact is that: 343 firefighter and paramedics were
killed in 911
the 3rd fact is that:19,858 body parts found in 911

1 fiction is that:they were about nuclear reactions.
2nd thing is that:they were wrong about gravity.
3rd thing is that:they were also wrong about shear force.

Friday, September 9, 2011

julissa 9/11 memorial

1. Describe what your favorite design looked like?I like photograph number one because i didn't know they had a spotlight tower that really inspired me.

2. How were the designs different, how were they the same?They are different because some show the names of the towers.They are alike because they show the inside of the towers.

3. If you could create a memorial for 9/11 what would it look like?It will look just like the twin towers but not that many floors i'll have a every room a security camera a bathroom in every room and decorations.

julissa think outside the box

First off, I want to tell you what a great summer I had. Not only did I have fun , but I also had visitors. One thing that I didn’t do (but wish I had) was go to splish splash. It feels so happy to be at school because i could see my friends.

Anyhow, I just watched a Men in Black video clip and it was really funny. I couldn’t believe that Will Smith is funny. Looking at Mr. Lahana’s “MOST IMPORTANT THINGS” list it’s pretty clear this video was talking about #of diffrence. This is because everybody is different.

On #4 of Mr. Lahana’s “MOST IMPORTANT THINGS” list he talks about finding what you love. Besides texting, Facebooking, and drooling over my favorite star startisan, I’m into some serious stuff. Stuff that not everyone’s into– like rock. It’s true! I could spend hours listen to them and time just vanishes. If you gave me access to a computer with a camera, Garageband, Scratch, Photoshop or 3D design software I would make a movie that showed off my talent at mix martial arts. But you know, I’m not perfect at my talent yet. By the end of the year I hope I can reach my goal. Well, that’s all I have time to write for now– bye!