Monday, May 2, 2011

1) How is Ayiti different from 3rd World Farmer? How is it the same? Ayiti and 3rd world farmer is the same because u could work on the farm and by stuff u need. the way they different is because they could go 2 school and work jobs and get money that way.
2) What strategies did you use? For example, did you combine work and school, or did you send everyone to work? Which worked? Which did not? the three kids worked and went 2 school the 2 adults just went 2 work and when they left work or school they went work on the farm the they rest for a season and just reapeted everything

3) Why would parents choose to devote so much effort to sending their children to school? What obstacles did you face in trying to keep them in school? i would let them study all day then give them a tutor then let them rest for a year then do it again.maybe because maybe they need their kid's 2 learn so their kids dont have 2 be dum in life.
** BONUS **

4. What would the game “Lower East Side: The Cost of Life” look like? What choices would your family have to make to be happy, healthy, have money, and be well-educated. What obstacles would stand in your way?t2he lower east side the cost of life would be like gangs guns drug deeler nice schools